📍Located near Louisville Kentucky
🐾 8month old Male, Doberman (born 5/22/24)
📋67lbs, Neutered and Fully Vetted
🐶Dog Friendly
🐱Kitties are Spooky
👧🏼Older, Dog Savvy Kiddos Preferred
🚧Fully Fenced Backyard Required
Gunner is a happy go lucky guy who is full of wiggles and puppy energy. Sadly his mama attacked her litter of pups and Gunner has the scars to prove it. His noggin is a little misshaped and his one eye is a little wonky but it doesn’t slow him down.
This charming pup is best buds with a fellow Dobe and a Great Dane, proving size doesn’t matter when it comes to friendship. He’s a crate-trained superstar and potty pro, as long as you offer him frequent trips outside.
Now, Gunner might be a bit shy around the fellas, but toss him a tasty treat, and you’ll see that tail wagging in no time! He’s currently mastering the art of “settle” when he’s not in his crate, and while his leash skills are still a work in progress, he’s got a serious passion for food, toys, and all things enrichment!
This independent guy forms quick bonds with his furry friends and loves a good pat on the head but don’t expect that typical Velcro Doberman. Gunner’s dream family has a fenced yard and plenty of time for training and socializing, so if you’re ready for some canine adventures, he’s your pup!
Gunners adoption process beings with submission of Bluegrass Doberman Rescues Online Application.